This document is created for below configuration
Before Installing Appium, first you have to install Home Brew software. Home Brew Installation. Home Brew is a open source software management system that actually simplifies the software installation on MAC Operating system. Launch Terminal and run following command to install Home Brew. Download Appium for Mac - Test iOS and Android native, hybrid or web applications without having to recompile and modify them with the help of. Visit the official Appium site. Click on the Download Appium button. The Download button redirects the user to the GitHub page. From the GitHub page, Windows users need to download the.exe file and Mac users need to download the.dmg file. Once the Appium Desktop file for the respective OS is downloaded, start the installation by double.
- macOS Catalina 10.15.2
- Appium 1.15.1 desktop or Appium CLI 1.16.0
- java-client 7.2.0
However, by the time you read this , this document may be outdated.
I find the biggest challenges in Appium is not the scripting itself , but the setting up in OS X. The documentations from official source confusing and outdated. They are seldom updated , so some investigations are needed if you encounter issues at certain versions upgrade.
Be prepare to give yourself at least 1-2 days in setting up. Some of the dependencies take some investigation for it work.
I hope this article reduce the hassle for installing Appium and related dependencies.
Section 1
9 Steps to setup
- Update OS X to at least Catalina 10.15.2 . I got several issues resolve when I upgrade to the OS.
- Install java 1.8 latest build. You can get the latest JDK 1.8 from this link. At this time of the writing it is build 231.
- Install Python from here. Python 3.8.1 is the latest as of today documentation.
- Install Xcode. Go to App Store. Search for Xcode
- Install your favourite IDE. I am using Eclipse for this
- Install brew. Run this from terminal
For some reasons , brew may fail. This may due to your permission settings. Input this in your terminal
And reinstall brew again
7. Install node and npm
You can get npm in here.
If you are not sure if you have npm , type this in terminal
If there is an error means you need to go to the link above to install it.
8. Install Xcode command line tool.
In terminal
Make sure you accept Xcode license first. Launch Xcode and accept the license agreement so that the Xcode command line works
Check your xcode command line version
Mine is 2373.
9. Setup your environment. Refer to section 3
Section 2
1.Install Appium Desktop or CLI
Install Appium Desktop from this link. My build is Appium 1.16.0 If you prefer the console version , input this in terminal
If there is permission error installing appium desktop , it may be due to permission ownership in the folder. You may want to refer to this link or try the below.
2. Install XCUITest
(DO NOT USE — HEAD as new OS X 10.15 will not work)
3. Carthage
4. ios-deploy . (if fails to install)
Check if your command line for xcode is install at the correct path. See this link that explains and how to reset Command Line to correct path
You can type the following to see the current path. Mine was wrongly at '/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools'.
Using the command below, the path was reset to '/Applications/', which solved the issue and allowed me to install ios-deploy
Rerun the npm command above to install ios-deploy
If it is not the command line issue, see below
You will need to reboot into recovery mode
Go terminal in recovery mode
Reboot and input this in terminal
5. Install appium doctor
6. Optionals to install
Appium Download For Mac Os
A. opencv4nodejs
This is for image comparison and it is optional. If this fails the first round, do not worry . Skip this and move on the rest. Do this as last optional as there may be missing dependencies that may be solved at other optional install.
Input this in your terminal
Appium Logo
You may need to have python3 install and update pip3 before running the above. This seem to solve 'Cannot open include file: 'opencv2/core.hpp'!'
Refer to link for the above 'core.hpp' error and this info on how to install the opencv4nodejs if it fails.
If it fails , check if cmake is install (brew install cmake) . The below command may resolve the issue
Terminal :
B. applesimutils
C. libdevicelocation
Go to this git and follow the instruction. Install all the dependencies. Make sure that you set the environment in here for openssl before running below comamnds.
You may have some other missing packages that are not mention here.
If encounter pkg-config error like this RuntimeError: /usr/local/opt/pkg-config not present or broken, run this in terminal:
D. ios-webkit-debug-proxy
F. mjpeg-consumer
G. ffmpeg
H. idb and idb companion
Currently there is a defect in appium idb. It may be resolved. You can skip installing idb if it impacts you.
I. bundletool.jar
Get jar file from here
Rename the file to bundletool.jar. Make it executable by using chmod.
Add this to path env /Users/username/drivers/bundle-tools in .bash_profile .
J. Set-simulator-location
Go to here for instruction or input this in your terminal
Section 3
Setup your environments in .bash_profile to something like this
Additional environment settings in .bash_profile for libdevicelocation
Section 4
1.Check if you setup correctly
In terminal , run
If you are successful , you will have an output similar like this
Congratulations for making it here! There are a few more steps before you complete the setup.
Section 5
Before you start running your test, there are a few things you need to do.
1.Android AVD Emulator
Create an emulator in Android. Fastest way is to create an Android Studio project and then run in a avd.
Go to Tools -> Android -> AVD Manager. Press the '+ Create Virtual Device' button.
Run your project. It should launch the emulator with the avd in it.
In terminal run
2.Android real device
You need to download the Android Transfer File app. Make sure when you plug in your android device, you can see the device. The Android Transfer File app will tell you it is connected too.
In terminal to find if the device is connected
If you are still not able to detect the devices , check the usb cable if it is spoil. You need to also enable authorisation to your phone and the debugging mode. Check respective manufacturer settings (but most of it is under the app Settings)
3.iOS Simulator
Create a simulator image in xcode- if you intend to run a iPhone 6 image , make sure that you create a iPhone 6 image first before running.
4. iOS Real Device
Create a xcode profile. Connect your iPhone to your macbook and run. It will fail because you do not have the team id. Input your team id in .bash_config like the above. You will need to input your team id in xcode. Run again and it should build in your iPhone.
The other problem is that you did not pair with your real device. Connect to it and launch iTunes. Your device will ask for authorisation. Accept it. If you have pair successfully with your mac , input the below.
The UUID of the real device should appear if paired successfully
If failed check this link
Section 6 - Q&A
1.What happen if Appium cannot build WebdriverAgent (WDA) ?
Bulk of the problems after you have installed successfully and validate using appium doctor lies with configuring WebDriverAgent. Refer to this instruction in Appium doc.
The WDA modules is in this path:
Go to the folder. In the terminal :
Optional - it might be necessary to create an empty folder for WDA resources:
If it does not run , run this (example on iPhone 11) , test it out if you can execute WebDriverAgent from command line
This will check if WebDriverAgent can installed. If it cannot installed , check the connection , see if you can create and compile a “Hello World” with Xcode in the simulator. If you can , compile WDA in the real device.
Build the WDA from /usr/local/lib/node_modules/appium/node_modules/appium-webdriveragent and run in Xcode. See instruction from Katalon.
If you still have problem with WDA , You may need to download WDA from this link. Open xcode and build it on your phone.
2. If I want to keep the prebuild wda (to save time) rather than rebuild it every session , what are the desired capabilities settings ?
usePrebuiltWDA: true
3. Do I need to update the WDA every runs or appium update ?
Only every Appium updates
4. If iOS simulator fails to launch through Appium
You may need to reset your simulators. In terminal , type this to delete all content of simulators. Prepare to loose all your data in all simulator . Backup your simulator data if want those data.
5. Real iOS device issue
On iOS real device , follow this guide if it fails
Make sure you have this in environment (refer to section 3 / environments)
CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY = iPhone Developer
6. npm issues
Make sure that cmake are installed. This is one of the main issues.
Lastly , let me know if I am missing any steps. I will update again. Thanks.
Doc created : 24 Dec 2018
Updated : 31 December 2019
Source -
Thank you for downloading Appium from our software portal. The version of the program you are about to download is The download was scanned for viruses by our system.
- About 4 years Integrated testing of Safari using SafariDriver and Appium for Mac with an example about 5 years sendKeys(Keys.TAB) or Keys.ENTER etc doesn't work in Appium for MAC over 5 years Unable to build the project on OSX 10.8.4.
- software, free download For Windows, Mac, Apps. Appium 1.9.0 Free Download for Windows Appium 1.9.0 Free Download for Windows - Appium is an open resource test automation framework for usage with indigenous, hybrid and also mobile internet apps.
- Example: In the below image there are many files in that select file because that is the latest version released by Appium till date, if any other version is released it will be above this file and we would download that one.
- Appium version 1.7.2; MAC OS sierra 10.13.4; iOS simulator – iPhone 7; Step 01: Now click on the link and download Appium as After installation, extract the file to drag and drop Appium into the applications. Step 02: IMPORTANT After the successful installation now applies these steps carefully.
May 10, 2018
Appium 1.4 Download For Mac Pro
Appium is free to use that is an open source automation testing tool. It is used to test iOS and Android mobile application which could hybrid or native with mobile web applications by uses the website driver protocol as a communication.
For installation on Mac I am using the following:
- Xcode IDE version 9.3
- IntelliJ IDEA 2013
- Standalone- selenium jar file
- java SDK jar file
- Appium version 1.7.2
- MAC OS sierra 10.13.4
- iOS simulator – iPhone 7
Step 01:
Now click on the link and download Appium as After installation, extract the file to drag and drop Appium into the applications.
After the successful installation now applies these steps carefully. Go to this link and install XCUITest driver After installation, open terminal and run following commands:
- brew install libimobiledevice –HEAD
- brew install ideviceinstaller
- brew install carthage
- npm install -g ios-deploy
- gem install xcpretty
After successful installation, the terminal will print **BUILT SUCCEEDED** on the console so moving on step 03 for web driver protocol configuration
Appium 1.4 Download For Mac Free
Step 03:
Now open Xcode and open the XCUITest project that you will get from the following folder in your mac
Once, WebDriver.xcodeproj is opened so make sure that WebDriverAgentLib, WebDriverAgentRunner, and IntegrationApp is showing on the file as below screenshot.
Now select IntegrationApp and simulator as iPhone X and run the application. As the application is deployed successfully and launches o the simulator successfully so now you are good to go with Appium.
Step 04: Click on Appium application from Launchpad and click on “Start the server v1.7.2″ as the server is started, Click on the “Start Inspector session” to set the required capabilities.
After clicking on start inspector the following screen will appear
Set the required capabilities as shown in the screenshot and then click on Start Session. As the server started, the iPhone 7 simulator will launch and you could see the web driver application launches successfully.
Step 04:
Now open IntelliJ IDEA and click on ‘New project’. Firefox download for mac wont work. Set java SDK jar file to the library path by clicking on the Project Configuration and now you are good to go with the first test scripts. Under the @Before Test heading, set capabilities as below:
DesiredCapabilities capabilities = new DesiredCapabilities();
capabilities.setCapability(“deviceName”, “iPhone 7”);
capabilities.setCapability(“platformName”, “IOS”);
capabilities.setCapability(“platformVersion”, “9.3”);
capabilities.setCapability(“browserName”, “safari”);
capabilities.setCapability(“automationName”, “XCUITEST”);
After it write down the test script in under @Test heading and close the driver setup under @After Test heading. Now hit on Run button to test the script and see Appium logs for results
Florence Jonathan
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July 24, 2018